Breckelle Performance Request

Hi There! I'm Kimberly Miller, Breckelle's booking agent. If you are interested in having Breckelle perform at your upcoming event, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule a performance?

Please contact Breckelle's booking agent, Kimberly Miller, via the Request Performance page.

How long in advance should I book Breckelle?

As with any booking, the sooner the better to secure your spot. Breckelle's availability varies, but we are happy to book you on the calendar well in advance if she's available. Last minute bookings are possible too, but are based on availability.

How long is Breckelle's performance?

The performance time varies based on the performance you select. She is available to do the National Anthem to kick off your event, sing a song, do a ventriloquist act, etc. Please contact Breckelle's booking agent, Kimberly Miller, via the Request Performance page to determine the best fit for your event.




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